Friday, August 28, 2009

Cute little skipper!

Here are some pictures of a cute little skipper butterfly that I found.
He was very friendly...He crawled right up my hand!
So then I put him on a flower as a reward for be so friendly.

Fly away!?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Here is a video of Sparky.

Good bye

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wow! Shelf cloud!

On August 10th I had just looked at radar and there was a line of thunderstorms about 20mi west of us. So I ran outside to see if there was any neat clouds...

And yes there was! It was a shelf cloud. So I ran back inside and told everybody else about it.
It was soooo exciting!

I put this one up on weather underground and for the Title I put "Power!" because the storm was powerful and because of the power line.

Wow it was getting close! It was moving pretty fast.

It gave of some nice strong winds too(up to 50 MPH)!


A windy bye byyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I have been experimenting with Gimp lately. Here are two pictures that I have manipulated(with Gimp).

If you want the full sized photos then just let me know and then I can email them to you.