Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 22th

Here is a time lapse video that I took on May 22th. I hope it will turn out.

No Anonymous you are not ♦♣♠◘•○ ♣♦ because it spells Defhgied.

P.S. did everybody see the graduation pictures?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ha Ha

Here are some of the pictures that I took at Ha Ha Tonka.

The castle through a window.

This one is of the spring.

The water tower.

The castle.

Balanced Rock.

The castle.

If you want more pictures just ask me because I have a lot more.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Things like ☺☻♥

Here is a chart to use if you want some different characters.
Alt+1=☺ Alt+15=☼
Alt+2=☻ Alt+16=►
Alt+3= ♥ Alt+17=◄
Alt+4= ♦ Alt+18=↕
Alt+5=♣ Alt+19=‼
Alt+6=♠ Alt+20=¶
Alt+7=• Alt+21=§
Alt+8=◘ Alt+22=▬
Alt+9=○ Alt+23=↨
Alt+10=◙ Alt+24=↑
Alt+11= ♂ Alt+25=↓
Alt+12= ♀ Alt+26=→
Alt+13= ♪ Alt+27=←
Alt+ 14=♫ Alt+28=∟

There is a lot more too. So just push Alt down and type any number in a see what it comes up with.
And Alt=852741963= ╦
Good afternoon! And good bye

Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Lightning!

On May 15th We got some more thunderstorms. Ahead of the thunderstorms was some wind (wind gusts 30-45mph). There was a lot of lighnting too! See the picture.

We got 1.18 inches of rain.

P.S. More of the strawberries are getting ripe!

Friday, May 15, 2009

T S and Lightning

On May 13th after dark, a tornadic thunderstorm went close to us(about 7 miles south of us).But we only got 0.1 inches of rain! And of course we were under a tornado waning. We looked for a tornado but if there was a tornado it would have be rain wrapped, so you wouldn't have been able to see it. After the storm passed, there was lightning everywhere. Look I got proof!

Last night there was a line of strong thunderstorms that passed through us. There was wind gusts up to 45mph. We got 1.18 inches of rain. I also got some more picures of lightning!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Some severe thunderstorms are possible today and tonight(for us) The SPC has a Moderate Risk for severe thunderstorms
Here is the SPC probability of hail map. Scattered hail up to the size of baseballs are possible.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Here are two picutres of one of the maple trees.
The top one is when the wind was blowing hard. the bottom one was when there was hardly any wind.Jenny you asked what that green light was in the back ground of the video that I put up.... It was the yard light.
Me and buzz have all of our hard corn out. I have some beets that are doing good. And I have some lettuce too . I have three luffa gourds that just came up. I also have three cucumbers.

Straw and Light!

The strawberries are getting ripe!
Here is a picture of the first one this year.
There should be a lot when you come up here Jenny, and anybody else that is coming for Anna's graduation. There should be, but do not count on it.

You better not have missed the full Moon. Look At the pictures.
The top one is a bit brighter then it really was. The botton one is very near to how bright it was.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh no:(

Oh no, look what I did....look at the last post.
Well, here is a video of the Strong winds and very heavy rain. That we got on May 8th.

Friday, May 8, 2009


This morning(April 8th)Note it was on May 8th not April 8th we got some thunderstorms. There was two close lightning strikes near here( they were very loud). We got 2.56inches of rain. And in one hour we got 2.2o inches of rain. The wind gusts were up to 55mph. I will try to post some pictures, a video and more info☺☻.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Here is a video of the creek.

It was running pretty fast(because of the heavy rain we got).

P.S. The Moon is really bright so no not miss it. The best time look is now through May 8th( that is when it will be full). It is in the evening sky.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Story Part 2

"No no" cried Puffy Head. "Well, I think I will take you to my police office. I will not put you in jail if you sign a agreement that this will not happen again." Arrow said sternly. " Welll iiff I doo not have too ggoo to jail I will go." said puffy Head in a very scared voice. So Puffy Head went to Arrow's office to sign the agreement. Meanwhile Felix had seen Puffy Head go away. Hmmm Felix said to himself, If he is gone maybe I can take his grasshopper soup!

To see the first part of the story click HERE

Friday, May 1, 2009


Here is a video of a storm that we got april 29th.

The rain was coming down in sheets. I estimate that the wind gusts were around 40 mph. We got 0.99 inches( almost 1 inch) of rain in less then one hour.

Good bye for now......Elon